AI in the ESL Classroom

AI is in important in all classrooms and one of my favorite educators, Fely García López, takes us through how we can use AI to empower ESL classrooms. Her energy and passion will inspire you and please make sure to share this with any ESL educators you may know!

Who is Fely García López - Twitter | Instagram

Education Innovation Lead at Microsoft Flip

Fely is a passionate educator who loves to help others. She spent more than 15 years as an ELAR and ESL teacher, 2 years as an ESL and Educational Technology Integration Strategist and is currently an Educator Innovation Lead at Flip-Microsoft. Fely is an advocate for equity and inclusion in every classroom. She believes in “relationships before curriculum” and loves being her learners’ loudest cheerleader. Most importantly, Fely is dedicated to helping every teacher and student reach his or her fullest potential.

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What does Fely love about AI?

“One of the things I love about AI is how it streamlines lesson preparation, allowing me to create personalized learning plans and build stronger connections with my learners.”