🚀 AI Infused Classroom Training:

Summer Success! Sessions Packed, Teachers Craving More! 🎓

To help all educators learn more about Chat GPT and AI, I am excited to share this comprehensive full-day workshops focused on Chat GPT and other AI technologies designed to support teachers and educational leaders in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in this innovative field.

These workshops aim to equip participants with the knowledge and strategies necessary to effectively integrate AI tools into their schools and leverage student-centered learning experiences - that get our learners ready for their future.

Find out more HERE

Example One Day Training.

The workshop is structured around three core pillars:

  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence: In this segment, we delve into the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, demystifying its concepts and exploring its potential applications in the educational setting.

  • Addressing Threats and Potential Problems: We recognize that, like any technology, AI comes with certain challenges and potential risks. In this portion of the workshop, we candidly explore the ethical concerns, biases, and data privacy issues associated with AI.

  • Empowering Classrooms and Engaging Our Learners: This segment aims to inspire educators to harness the power of AI to transform their classrooms by looking at how any teacher can use this tool for productivity and time-saving.

🥳 98% of work this summer has already been rebooked for next year! 🚀

Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and practical demonstrations. They will have the opportunity to explore specific AI applications tailored to their educational context, enabling them to identify the most relevant and effective strategies for their students.

By the end of the workshop, participants will not only be well-informed about AI and its implications, but they will also feel confident in leveraging AI to create dynamic, student-centered learning environments. The ultimate goal is to empower educators and leaders to embrace AI as a valuable tool that complements their expertise and amplifies their impact on student success.

Find out more HERE

Example Second Day Training:

  • The Ultimate in Lesson Design with AI: In this session we will learn how to create truly powerful lessons that are built around the idea of inquiry and We'll unlock strategies to craft immersive, inquiry-based lessons that stimulate deeper learning and student agency.

  • Blended Learning Experiences with AI: In this session, we will look at the digital tools that will help us understand students and their learning in more powerful ways. From rethinking the writing process to formative assessment in a world of AI

  • What's Next: Harnessing Emerging AI Tools: In this session, we'll explore an array of innovative AI-powered tools. Delving beyond Bard and Bing comparisons, we'll uncover how these advanced tools can help educators maximize efficiency and elevate student achievement.